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"80c8c037-d51a-4aea-a21b-02a45e2c8d26", "name": "Service unavailable", "originalRequest": { "url": { "path": [ "agro", "file", ":filename" ], "host": [ "{{baseUrl}}" ], "query": [], "variable": [] }, "header": [ { "description": { "content": "Added as a part of security scheme: bearer", "type": "text/plain" }, "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer " } ], "method": "GET", "body": {} }, "status": "Internal Server Error", "code": 500, "header": [], "cookie": [], "_postman_previewlanguage": "text" } ], "event": [], "protocolProfileBehavior": { "disableBodyPruning": true } } ] } ], "auth": { "type": "bearer", "bearer": [ { "type": "any", "value": "{{bearerToken}}", "key": "token" } ] }, "event": [], "variable": [ { "key": "baseUrl", "value": "https://api.edge.veeroute.tech" } ], "info": { "_postman_id": "1481224e-7e04-4887-b58b-6cc801f7249e", "name": "VRt.Agro [AG]", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json", "description": { "content": "Veeroute Agro API.\n\n# Description\n\nThe service is designed to calculate the work plan of production facilities.\n\n## Objects overview\n\n![objects](../images/agro_objects.svg)\n\n### Field\n\n- produces a certain crop of a certain moisture content\n- products from the field can only be moved to the Elevator or Factory\n\n### Elevator\n\n- consists of Gates, Dryers, short-term and long-term storage areas\n- dries the grain (if the moisture content of the crop is more than acceptable)\n- stores dry grain in short-term storage places (warehouses), while unloading and loading grain is allowed within one day\n- stores dry grain in long-term storage places (sleeves, trenches, mounds)\n- when stored in one storage, only one type of culture can be located\n- sells surplus grain to the Market\n- production processes inside the facility: drying, loading / unloading to a storage location, storage\n\n### Factory\n\n- consists of Gates, Dryers, Bunkers, Consumers\n- [if drying is present] dries the grain (if the moisture content of the crop is more than allowed)\n- stores dry grain in Bunkers (short-term storage tied to a specific crop)\n- maintains a minimum supply of grain for consumption in the Bunkers\n- Consumes grain from Bunkers\n- buys the missing grain from the Market\n- production processes inside the facility: drying, loading / unloading to a storage location, storage, consumption\n\n### Market\n\n- buys grain from elevators\n- sells grain to factories\n\n## Project\n\nThe project reflects the planned sequence of operations on agricultural crops, the types of operations are described below.\n\n### HARVEST\n\nCrop harvesting:\n\n- between production facilities (Field and Elevator or Field)\n- the operation takes place within one day\n- on the Field there is a determination of grain moisture\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|-------------------------------|\n| Source | Field | - |\n| Destination | Elevator or Factory | Gate |\n\n### DRY\n\nDrying culture:\n\n- inside the production facility (Elevator or Field)\n- duration of the operation - days\n- during the drying process, the mass and type of humidity changes (WET -> DRY)\n- the source indicates the mass of raw culture\n- in the appointment, the resulting mass of dry culture is indicated\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|-------------------------------|\n| Source | Elevator or Factory | Gate |\n| Destination | Elevator or Factory | Dryer |\n\n### LOAD\n\nLoading culture from the Gate to the Storage Location (long-term, short-term, silo):\n\n- between parts of one production facility (Elevator or Field)\n- the operation takes place within one day\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|--------------------------------------------------|\n| Source | Elevator or Factory | Gate or Dryer |\n| Destination | Elevator or Factory | Storage location (long-term, short-term, bunker) |\n\n### UNLOAD\n\nUnloading the culture from the storage place to the gate:\n\n- between parts of one production facility (Elevator)\n- the operation takes place within one day\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|--------------------------------------------------|\n| Source | Elevator | Storage location (long-term, short-term, bunker) |\n| Destination | Elevator | Gate |\n\n### STORE\n\nCulture storage:\n\n- the operation takes place within one day\n- storage location does not change\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|--------------------------------------------------|\n| Source | Elevator or Factory | Storage location (long-term, short-term, bunker) |\n| Destination | Elevator or Factory | The same storage location |\n\n### RELOCATE\n\nTransportation between production facilities:\n\n- between production facilities (Elevator and Field)\n- the operation takes place within one day\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|-------------------------------|\n| Source | Elevator | Gate |\n| Destination | Factory | Gate |\n\n### CONSUMPTION\n\nField crop consumption:\n\n- between parts of one production facility (Field)\n- the operation takes place within one day\n- consumption comes from the Bunker\n- in addition, we can consume directly from the Gate or Dryer without laying in the Bunker\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|-------------------------------|\n| Source | Factory | Hopper or Gate or Dryer |\n| Destination | Factory | Consumer |\n\n### SELL\n\nSale of culture:\n\n- between production facilities (Elevator and Market)\n- the operation takes place within one day\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|-------------------------------|\n| Source | Elevator | Gate |\n| Destination | Market | Contract |\n\n### BUY\n\nBuying culture:\n\n- between production facilities (Market and Factory)\n- the operation takes place within one day\n\n| | Object (target_key) | Subobject (target_detail_key) |\n|-------------|---------------------|-------------------------------|\n| Source | Market | Contract |\n| Destination | Factory | Gate |\n\n## Entity relationship diagram\n\n![erd](../uml/agro.svg)\n\n\nContact Support:\n Name: Veeroute Support Team\n Email: servicedesk@veeroute.com", "type": "text/plain" } } }